Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The World is F*ing Nuts

Next time you think you want Barack Obama to be our president because he's internationally popular, remember this poll.


  1. ...and so are republicans:

    according to 9/5/06 zogby poll, 65% of republicans believe that there was "a connection between Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 terror attacks".

    wow. this is two years after the bi-partisan 9/11 commission disproved any such link.

    looks like many of the 9/11 nutcases live right here and overwhelmingly want to vote for john mccain. what an endorsement.

    assm tattoo, tho. does your girlie like it?

  2. i bet that number has changed two years on.

    also, the difference is that there actually is some evidence that saddam may have had some cooperative links to al qaeda. you can see how it would be murky to someone who is less intelligent than the commie pinko liberal.

    there are serious conspiracy theories in the world about the jews or the americans actually planning the attacks. this is quite different than confusion about which bad arab actors actually sought to bring the Big Devil to its knees. I mean, the arab world particularly, is actively ingraining lies into their people's minds about these events.

    i'm not excusing the idiocy of the 65% or the combined 60+% of independents and democrats. but there's a diff. between actively lying and just not being informed. i mean, if you took time to describe the facts to some "fly over stater" about 9/11 and sadaam, he'd probably see your point. i doubt it would be the same with most of the global crazies who just plain hate america or the jews.

  3. i agree that there are global crazies who hate america and jews, and that they become a problem when radicalized and act out against the US and our interests.

    however, a much larger problem IMHO is the ignorance of the american people (willfully propagated by GWB and the RNC) regarding the truth behind the biggest thing that's happened to american in 60 years. those people will tend to VOTE based on that (and other) misunderstanding, meaning the future of our country is beholden to misinformation.

    and does alaska count as a "fly over state" because the person you support for vice president is just as fucking stupid on the iraq/911 question. this shit now goes all the way to the top. jesus-fucking-christ.

    this woman's candidacy would be a joke if it weren't so dangerous.

  4. 1. this is why i don't take new york liberals very seriously. blaming america first is always the modus operandi. there is a MAJOR difference between americans who (at best) don't follow the news as closely as we do and (at worst) are potentially just ignorant AND arabs who cheer when mentally challenged palestinian teen girls blow themselves up in a shopping mall with the sole intent of killing as many women and children as possible. i seriously ask you to retract your statement.

    2. Liberals are going to lose credibility with the knee jerk reaction to Palin. I read the link you sent and it says Palin stated, "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans." let me ask you this? Who flew the planes into the WTC? Ok, now tell me who we're fighting over there. Story over. The washington post is a joke for editorializing that headline.

    p.s. i'm willing to have a reasonable discussion on palin's performance on ABC with Charlie Gibson.

  5. 1. i believe you are replying to my comment COMPLETELY out of context, in much the same manner that JSM's current campaign commercials distort BHO's comments. i could very easily say this is why i have such a hard time talking to conservatives, but since i know you well i'm willing to give you a pass and hope you simply misunderstood.

    you seem to insinuate that i am somehow drawing a moral equivalency between uninformed republican-identified voters and blood-thirsty islamic terrorist sympathizers. i did nothing of the sort.

    firstly, i agreed with you that that those global crazies are a problem and that they need to be dealt with.

    secondly, as an american living under the policies of a democratic (small d) society, i stated that i have a HUGE problem when uniformed voters (be they dumb-ass republicans or knee-jerk liberals) vote on issues based on incorrect information (especially when that misinformation is propagated by our elected officials), as i'm sure you do too.

    i seriously ask you to stop the "liberals blame america first" crap when i did nothing of the sort.

    2. this one is easy: i will link to andrew sullivan (who is no shrinking violet on 9/11 at all) to better explain than i can what is painfully obvious.

    3. i can't WAIT to hear your response to my last two palin posts on BCP*L. my blog is a little comment-lite from the EVR as of late. no fair you're getting all the adsense revenue lately... ;)
