Monday, August 11, 2008

And Obama's Team Also Gets It Right

The more Obama can make the "Third Bush Term" idea stick, the better he'll do in November:

1 comment:

  1. given the outright chutzpah of mccain calling out obama for being a celebrity (when in reality it seems he may be upset that he's MORE of a celebrity than mmcain once was), i guess this unfortunate obama ad was inevitable.

    i'm of the belief that these types of ads -- from both campaigns, but we always see more from the RNC -- are bad for US democracy by way of playing straight to people's low expectations, most likely causing them to disengage from the political discussion of out jaded disgust.

    once enough of the people disengage from the nuts and bolts of the democratic process, only the moneyed and powerful interests are left to decide how they'd like their plutocracy to be run.
