Thursday, September 27, 2007


I'd like to introduce myself. I've been in New York since 2000 and moved to the East Village in 2002. I work at a well known advertising agency and have been in the ad business since 1999.

I plan to use these pages to discuss politics and foreign affairs, but I'll also talk about sports and pop culture. While I'm one of a million Yankees fans in the city, I promise you that I've never met another conservative in my neck of the woods in all the years I've been here. South of 14th and east of 3rd is a bastion of the most leftward-leaning folks in the entire nation. Per capita, there are more Che Guevara T-shirts than any other form of currency or legal tender, and I plan to write about the world from the perspective of a lonely Republican in the East Village.

One other thing before I sign off my first post. I'm not your typical establishment Republican. If you've read P.J. O'Rourke or listened to Dennis Miller, you might know where I'm coming from. I'm into free markets, free choice, and know that we've got no choice but to have the strongest military in the world and be unafraid to use it wisely. I did say wisely.

Thanks for reading.

The East Village Republican

1 comment:

  1. What do you think about the recent news about Verizon refusing to allow NARAL-Pro Choice America to use its service for some sort of campaign? This made big news, then within days, Verizon changed its mind and decided to work with the pro-abortion group. What do you think about that?
